Joint Residency Rule and Venue

Willie Brown v. Kim Nagelhout , 37 Fla. L. Weekly S225a, Case No. SC10-868, filed March 15, 2012. This was a personal injury suit in which the Florida Supreme Court reversed 4th DCA’s application of the judicially-created “joint residency rule,” which allows venue in any county of residence for more than one defendant resides in those cases where all defendants do not reside in a common county, and receded from Enfinger v. Baxley , 96 So. 2d 538 (Fla. 1957), in favor of section 47.021, Florida Statutes, which allows the plaintiff to chose venue in such cases. (from RPPTL Subcommittee). Trenton H. Cotney Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer Trent Cotney, P.A. 1207 N Franklin St, Ste 222 Tampa, FL 33602 (813) 579-3278