Most Construction Workers Who Lost Jobs During Recession Have Been Rehired (By Sharon O'Malley)

More than 60% of the 393,000 long-term, skilled construction workers who lost their jobs during the recession have found new ones in the industry since the recovery began, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports. Among them, 6% work part-time and 10% work for themselves or for family businesses. The construction industry has added 609,000 jobs since January 2011—when employment was at its lowest. The industry’s 7.5% unemployment rate compares to 27.1% in February 2010, according to the BLS and the Associated General Contractors of America. According to the study, 40% of skilled workers are bringing home more in their post-recession paychecks. Another 30% are earning less. From: Trenton H. Cotney Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer Trent Cotney, P.A. 1211 N Franklin St Tampa, FL 33602