Do the OSHA Construction Standards Apply to Me?

The standards apply to:

All contractors who enter into contracts which are for construction, alteration, and/or repair, including painting and decorating [29 CFR 1926.10(a)].

 All subcontractors who agree to perform any part of the labor or material requirements of a contract [29 CFR 1926.13(c)].

 All suppliers who furnish any supplies or materials, if the work involved is performed on or near a construction site, or if the supplier fabricates the goods or materials specifically for the construction project, and the work can be said to be a construction activity [29 CFR 1926.13(c)]. 

Trenton H. Cotney
Florida Bar Certified in Construction Law
Glenn Rasmussen Fogarty & Hooker, P.A.
100 S. Ashley Dr., Suite 1300
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 229-3333


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