West Construction,
Inc. v. Florida Blacktop, Inc., 37 Fla. L. Weekly
D959c, Case No. 4D11-408, filed April 25, 2012. Reversed final judgment entered
for paving subcontractor against contractor for lack of an enforceable contract
between the parties. Subcontractor’s bid proposal contained provisions that if
the bid was used in any way to “shop” prices for the work, a binding contract
would be created. Contractor had used subcontractor’s bid in its successful
efforts to obtain a contract with a public entity (The Villages of Royal Palm
Beach), and had even identified the subcontractor in its contract proposal, but
hired a different paver to perform the work.
In holding that an offer cannot prescribe conditions of rejection so as
to turn silence on the part of the offeree into acceptance, it distinguished W. R Townsend Contracting, Inc. v. Jensen
Civil Construction, Inc., 728 So. 2d 297 (Fla. 1st DCA 1999)
in which an express contract was found to have been created by general
contractor’s promise to contract with the subcontractor if it’s price was the
lowest and the general secured the work. (from RPPTL Subcommittee).
Trenton H.
Florida Bar Certified Construction
Trent Cotney,
1207 N Franklin St, Ste
Tampa, FL
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