Arbitration Award and Construction Lien

Zak Rhodes v. Newport Building and Construction, Inc., 37 Fla. L. Weekly D4091b, Case No. 2D10-3006, filed May 4, 2012: Order foreclosing construction lien on incomplete residence was reversed, because the property owner had already paid contractor the amount of an arbitration award for damages cause by breach of contract. In addition, the trial court’s determination that the contractor was entitled to attorney fees was dismissed as a non-final non-appealable final order.  Editor’s Note: This case did not discuss that the lien included the balance due on the contract for the incomplete work, but the arbitration award included a major set off in favor of the owner. (from RPPTL Subcommittee).

Trenton H. Cotney
Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer
Trent Cotney, P.A.
1211 N Franklin St
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 579-3278


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