Tampa Bay's Construction Industry

A year ago, Tampa Bay's depressed construction industry hit rock
bottom, shedding more construction jobs year over year than any other metro in
the country.
The latest report from Associated General Contractors is
decidedly more upbeat. In creating 2,100 construction jobs between January 2012
and January 2013, Tampa Bay ranked 96th best out of 339 metros, the trade group
reported Friday.
Construction jobs statewide are still down 50 percent from their
peak just under 700,000 in mid-2006. But the industry is showing signs of
growing strength with home starts and home prices both on the rise.
Bay's unemployment rate, which peaked at 12.5 percent three years ago, had
fallen to 8 percent as of January. (Tampa Bay Times)
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Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer
Trent Cotney, P.A.
1211 N Franklin St
Tampa, FL 33602
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