Glass ceiling, shattered: The richest self-made woman in America is a roofer

Trust funds are boring: These women run the world

Forbes' second annual roundup of the richest self-made women in America (read: did not inherit their cash) is out, and the lineup is star-studded with entertainers. Taylor Swift is the youngest earner and comes in 60th on the list, with a staggering net worth of $250 million. BeyoncĂ©, surely celebrating with a glass of lemonade, was four spots ahead, at $265 million. Rounding out some of the top positions were Oprah Winfrey (No. 2), Madonna (No. 25), Celine Dion (No. 37), Barbra Streisand (No. 38), author Nora Roberts (No. 42), actress Jessica Alba (also No. 42), and Nasty Gal founder and #Girlboss author Sophia Amoruso (No. 52). So who's No. 1? That'd be Diane Hendricks, who owns ABC Supply, the largest wholesale distributor of roofing and siding in the country — she's worth a cool $4.9 billion. Get it, Di.
From USA Today

Trenton H. Cotney
Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer
Trent Cotney, P.A. 
407 N. Howard Avenue
Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33606


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