Aspen Contracting Builds Free Roof For Grand Traverse Family

Dedicated workers hammering away in Traverse City, giving a family a much needed brand new roof to their home, all for free.
Aspen Contracting has offices across the country, including one in Traverse City.
Each year, they ask for the public’s help to find families in need of home improvements.
Today, they got to work.
“I’m so grateful for it. It’s a huge weight lifted,” says Sadeja Ryan, homeowner.
Sadeja Ryan with a smile on her face today, watching as workers from Aspen Contracting, put a new roof on her house, all at no charge.
“We want to try to give back to the communities, so we have people who are in need, who can’t afford a free roof or afford a roof, we have them or a family member, friend, relative, nominate them saying “hey this is why they should get roof,” and then we have the public nominate. Then we narrow it down to a smaller field and have the public vote on it with who they think should get the opportunity,” says Michael Gianola, Aspen Contracting.
After many leaks in the Ryan household, a relative nominated them for the free roof from Aspen.
“My windows leak and it was starting to leak onto my floor and there are some floors have holes in it from the rot of the water that would come in from the roof, so walking down the hallways sometimes it’s like an obstacle course,” says Ryan.
Thanks to votes from the public, they won!
“I am really super excited and I am really grateful and Aspens been great, they have been really helpful throughout the process,” says Ryan.
Aspen was happy to build the roof.
“We just feel like we want to give back, I mean we know that there have been storms that have come through here that have ravished the area, that people have needed work done and we don't want roof leaking like this,” says Gianola.
From 9&10 News
Trenton H. Cotney
Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer
Trent Cotney, P.A. 
407 N. Howard Avenue
Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33606


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