Fall Protection Tops List of OSHA's Most-Cited Violations for 2017

Rules to protect construction workers from falls remained the most commonly violated standards on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA's) list of most-cited violations for fiscal year 2017, which ended Sept. 30, according to Bloomberg BNA.

However, the number of safety violations demonstrated a widespread decrease after years of dropping total inspection numbers. There were about 9,000 fewer inspections in fiscal year 2016 compared with fiscal year 2011. The preliminary violation numbers for last fiscal year also were calculated during a period that was three to four weeks longer than for this year's preliminary numbers. The numbers are preliminary because OSHA inspectors have up to six months following an inspection to issue citations.

Construction violations were the most commonly cited, which is not surprising considering construction site visits account for about half of OSHA's inspections. Other construction fall-related violations were ladders, scaffolding and training.

Electrical general requirements dropped off this year's list and was replaced by fall-protection training.

Following are the preliminary top 10 most-cited violations for fiscal year 2017:

  1. Fall protection at 6,072 violations, down from 6,929 preliminary violations in fiscal year 2016
  2. Hazard communication at 4,176 violations, down from 5,677 preliminary violations in fiscal year 2016
  3. Scaffolding at 3,288 violations, down from 3,906 preliminary violations in fiscal year 2016
  4. Respiratory protection at 3,097 violations, down from 3,585 preliminary violations in fiscal year 2016
  5. Lockout/tagout at 2,877 violations, down from 3,414 preliminary violations in fiscal year 2016
  6. Ladders at 2,241 violations, down from 2,639 preliminary violations in fiscal year 2016
  7. Powered industrial trucks at 2,162 violations, down from 2,860 preliminary violations in fiscal year 2016
  8. Machine guarding at 1,933 violations, down from 2,451 preliminary violations in fiscal year 2016
  9. Fall-protection training at 1,523 violations
  10. Electrical wiring methods at 1,405 violations, down from 1,940 preliminary violations in fiscal year 2016


Trenton H. Cotney
Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer
Trent Cotney, P.A. 
8621 E. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd
Tampa, FL 33610


  1. I second that. All asbestos was banned in the UK in 1990's and I think around similar times in the US. I dont know where you are posting from but no company in their right mind would be fitting any product that contained asbestos.

    Asbestos Encapsulation


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