IBHS Releases Midterm Update to Building Code Activity Report

Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) released a midterm update to its Rating the States Report, which reviews the progress the 18 most hurricane-prone coastal states along the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coast have made in strengthening their residential building codes. 

Rating the States Midterm Update reviews building code activity in the same states featured in IBHS's original report released in January 2012, assessing them according to whether they have taken positive action, negative action or no action to improve their codes during the ensuing 18 months. Although this update does not re-score each state, it discusses actions taken to provide more current insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each state system. IBHS plans to issue a new report in 2015, which revises the rating for each state based on actions taken since the original report. 

The midterm update reports that most of the states with strong building code systems in place at the time of the original report have updated their codes to the most recent model building codes and, in some instances, passed legislation to further strengthen code protections. Most of the states with low scores in the original report have taken no action to improve their codes. 

Following is a list of the states based on their 2013 assessment (with their ranking from 0-100 in the original report): 

Positive action: Alabama (18); Connecticut (81); Florida (95); Georgia (66); Maryland (73); New York (60); Rhode Island (78); South Carolina (84); and Virginia (95) 

No action: Delaware (17); Maine (64); Massachusetts (87); Mississippi (4); New Hampshire (49); New Jersey (93); and Texas (18) 

Negative action: Louisiana (73) and North Carolina (81) 

(From NRCA)

Trenton H. Cotney
Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer
Trent Cotney, P.A.
1211 N Franklin St
Tampa, FL 33602


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