Relocated historic North Olmsted home gets roof reattached at Frostville

ORTH OLMSTED, Ohio – Thompson House, a historic North Olmsted landmark that was recently moved from Butternut Ridge Road to its new site in Frostville, had its roof reattached Friday morning. The building had been separated meticulously into four sections and made a March 24 trek on trailers to its new location in the Cleveland Metroparks Rocky River Reservation. 
Using slings, metal bars, manpower and a large crane, the two roof sections were each hoisted above the lower sections of the house. Due to the fragility of the circa 1840 home, some shoring had to be done to avoid possible collapse before lifting the roofs.
"This actually took some thinking," said Paul Schumann, past president of Olmsted Historical Society and current North Olmsted councilman. "We had to make sure the weight was distributed evenly. This was a combination of Jack Boss (of Boss Concrete, which has moved other Frostville structures) and myself. We're not engineers, but it worked."
From NRCA 

Trenton H. Cotney
Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer
Trent Cotney, P.A. 
407 N. Howard Avenue
Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33606


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