Stunning Energy-Efficient Roof Replicated in Equally Stunning 3D Printed Scale Model from ARRK

Athens, Greece is a tourist draw for a number of reasons – one of the biggest, and most obvious, being its historical sites. But while the Parthenon may be enough of a reason alone for many people to visit the beautiful Mediterranean city, there are plenty of modern attractions that shouldn’t be ignored – such as the newly completed Stavros Niachros Foundation Cultural Center. The center, which took about a decade from conception to completion, is now home to the National Library of Greece and the Greek National Opera as well as a lush park, but beyond its cultural value, it’s also evidence that after all these years, Greece hasn’t lost its architectural flair.
In addition to being visually stunning, the SNFCC, which will officially open later this year, was designed to be as environmentally sustainable as possible. In fact, the building has been awarded LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) platinum environmental certification – the first public building in Greece to meet the standard.
One of the most significant features of the SNFCC’s sustainable construction is its roof, the Energy Canopy, a wafer-thin platform supported by slender columns and towering over the complex. Described by the Stavros Niacrhos Foundation as “a marvel of construction and engineering,” the thin concrete structure is deceptively strong, with a shock absorbing system that allows it to withstand earthquakes, strong winds and other potential natural disasters. It’s also covered in 5,560 photovoltaic panels, which are capable of generating 2,280 kwh of electricity each year – allowing the entire center to be almost completely energy independent.

Trenton H. Cotney
Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer
Trent Cotney, P.A. 
407 N. Howard Avenue
Suite 100
Tampa, FL 33606


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