FRSA Legislative Report- Unlicensed Activity

I will try to keep this background short. The
$5 taken from licensure fees applies to all licensure categories (not just
construction) and the money is thrown into one big pot. Last year, the realtors
and the CPAs asked that a certain amount of the money in this pot be dedicated
to unlicensed activity for their respective professions. The amounts were roughly
proportionate to the number of realtor licensees but not so for CPAs (they took
more). This year, they both asked for even more, so it was thought to be a good
idea to make a grab for dedicated funding for construction before realtors and
CPAs drain all the money (especially since neither profession has as big a
problem with unlicensed activity as does construction).
the years, we have fussed that too much of this money is spent on middle of the
night public service announcements, rather than real enforcement (although some
of it is spent on sweeps and stings – just not enough). It makes sense to ask
that these additional (From FRSA Legislative Report prepared by FRSA Lobbyist Cam Fentriss)
Trenton H. Cotney
Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer
Trent Cotney, P.A.
1211 N Franklin St
Tampa, FL 33602
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