FRSA Convention and Trade Show Weeks Away

FRSA’s 91st Annual Convention and the Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal Expo are just weeks away, July 18-20 in Orlando. If you haven’t made plans to attend the re-energized and reformatted events, you still have time.
            The Convention events have been consolidated into three days and include the educational programs, sporting events and the social events - the Open House Reception on Thursday night, the Friday Business Luncheon, the S.T.A.R. Awards and Officer Installation Dinner on Friday night and the “White-Out” Party on Saturday night.
            The Trade Show is now a two day event, Friday and Saturday, with 11.5 hours of show time. The show also includes two Live Demo areas where exhibitors will profile their new products and services.
            This year’s focus is on education, training and technology and we are offering 34 hours of continuing education (CE) credit hours with 19 different courses. Of special interest is the Fifth Edition Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Tile Installation Manual course, which outlines the new changes to roof tile installation. The Fifth Edition is a Reference Standard in the 2013 Florida Building Code, due out in March of 2014. If you install tile, you’ll want to make sure you attend this seminar. In addition to the mandatory hours the State requires, there are “business essential” courses which are product-specific and do not carry CE credit.         
The Rosen Shingle Creek Resort is the host hotel and FRSA has a room block with a special room rate of $139++ for a single or double room. Our room block is currently 74 percent filled and is scheduled to be released on Friday, June 14. If you haven’t made your reservations yet, please do so as soon as possible. Once the block is sold out, there are no additional rooms available and overflow hotels will need to be secured. Click on the following links for: convention brochure,individual ticket registration formsports registration form and Rosen hotel reservation form. If you have questions or need additional information, please call Janette at 800-767-3772 ext. 100.

(From the FRSA Roof Flash)

Trenton H. Cotney
Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer
Trent Cotney, P.A.
1211 N Franklin St
Tampa, FL 33602


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