Join the Campaign to Prevent Fatal Falls in Construction: New Outreach Resources Available

Falls are the leading cause of death in construction, accounting for one third of all work-related deaths in the industry. To stop these preventable tragedies, OSHA has partnered with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and the Center for Construction Research and Training, kicking off a second year of the Campaign to Prevent Fatal Falls.

In a new blog post, OSHA Director of Construction Jim Maddux discusses the human and economic costs of falls, encouraging local employers, stakeholders and community and faith-based organizations to join the campaign to prevent falls. As he explains, "We know that the real difference to be made is in the communities where workers are getting hurt, and we can't do that alone."

To assist stakeholders in promoting the campaign and reducing fatal falls in their local areas, CPWR also has a new guide(PDF*) on how to launch a local initiative. The CPWR website has a number of campaign resources including an interactive fatality map, training guides and handouts, as well as information on how to sign on as a campaign partner. To learn more about OSHA's Fall Prevention campaign, visit, and order or download fact sheets, posters, and other educational materials—including a new wallet card in Portuguese—by calling OSHA's Office of Communications at 202-693-1999 or visiting OSHA's Publications page.

(From OSHA)

Trenton H. Cotney
Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer
Trent Cotney, P.A.
1211 N Franklin St
Tampa, FL 33602


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