LEED v4 is Approved and Will be Launched in November

In response to concerns that the changes in LEED v4 were too abrupt, USGBC announced last year that it would ease into it, with project teams allowed to register for either LEED v4 or LEED 2009 until June 1, 2015. In addition, projects registered under LEED 2009 will be allowed to complete the certification process under that system as long as they do so before it “sunsets,” which could happen as late as 2021. 

USGBC is trying to attract new projects to the system by offering free certification for the first Platinum LEED v4 projects.  In addition, USGBC is planning to have LEED online forms, updated LEED credentialing exams, reference guides and educational offerings ready by the conference. 

To help members understand LEED v4, ABC is hosting a webinar Sept. 24 at 2 p.m. (ET), that will provide an update of the development process, a general overview of the technical changes proposed and information of specific interest to the chapter. It will also include an early look at supporting tools and resources for the LEED v4 program. The presentation has been approved by the Green Building Certification Institute for 1.5 CEs for General, LEED BD&C-,ID&C-, and EBOM- specific hours, and 1.5 AIA LUs.

(From ABC)

Trenton H. Cotney
Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer
Trent Cotney, P.A.
1211 N Franklin St
Tampa, FL 33602


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