NRCA Issues Action Alert

The Senate has approved immigration reform legislation (S. 744) that, though positive in many ways, effectively excludes construction employers from participating in a new temporary worker program created by the bill. The Senate bill restricts the number of visas allocated to the construction industry to a maximum of 15,000 annually nationwide; employers in other industries face no similar restriction. 
House members will attempt to draft an alternative immigration reform bill in July, and NRCA asks all members to contact their representatives and urge support for immigration legislation that meets the needs of the roofing industry. NRCA supports a temporary worker program that is governed by market forces, protects U.S. workers and enables employers to legally obtain the workers needed to meet business demands. 

NRCA has posted an Action Alert urging members to communicate the roofing industry's views and concerns to House members regarding immigration reform legislation. To view the Action Alert, 
click here

(From NRCA Newsletter)

Trenton H. Cotney
Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer
Trent Cotney, P.A.
1211 N Franklin St
Tampa, FL 33602


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