White House Plan Would Mean Billion Dollar Tax Hike for Contractors, Small Businesses

“Corporate-only rate reduction does not amount
to business tax reform,” said ABC Vice President of Federal Affairs Geoff Burr
stated. “The president’s plan not only widens the existing gap between Main
Street and the Fortune 500, but would actually mean billions of dollars in
increased taxes for construction contractors.”
In fact, 80 percent of the construction
industry is comprised of pass-through entities and the majority of the
private-sector workforce also is employed under these tax structures. The
president’s plan did not contain any meaningful reform for those businesses or
their employees.
“A tax cut for large corporations financed on
the backs of small business can hardly be called grand, and is certainly no
bargain for the sixty million Americans working for pass-through entities,”
said ABC Vice President of Federal Affairs Geoff Burr.
Instead, ABC expressed support for the broader
rewrite favored by Senator Max Baucus (D-Mon.) and Representative Dave Camp
(R-Mich.), leaders of the respective congressional tax-writing committees. The
chairmen have embarked on a joint “road show,” engaging business owners and
employees, and soliciting feedback from the public on tax reform.
“Despite the president’s insistence on dividing
the business community, ABC is encouraged by the bipartisan, comprehensive
approach by Chairmen Baucus and Camp, and we look forward to working with them
to make the tax code fairer, simpler, and more equitable for businesses
irrespective of size or industry,” Burr said.
(From ABC)
Trenton H. Cotney
Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer
Trent Cotney, P.A.
1211 N Franklin St
Tampa, FL 33602
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