Why 2013 was a Very Good Year to be a Homebuilder CEO

It is unlikely to happen again this year as doubts about the legs of the housing recovery keep coming up, but 2013 was an excellent year to be the CEO of a publicly-traded homebuilder because pay raises averaged 37% and hit a median of $7.9 million. That still does not touch 2005's record-high median of $11.3 million, but it's well above 2012, according to figures from FPL Associates, a compensation consulting firm that focuses on the construction industry. The highest total compensation – which adds bonuses and incentive grants to base salary – in 2013 was $13.6 million for Stuart Miller at Lenna, and the lowest was $4 million for Allan Merrill at Beazer Homes USA. (From Construction Dive) Trenton H. Cotney Florida Bar Certified Construction Lawyer Trent Cotney, P.A. 1211 N Franklin St Tampa, FL 33602 www.trentcotney.com