The OSHA Initial Inspection Process

OSHA can inspect any job site unannounced.  The inspector/compliance officer must present their credentials to the person in charge of the site and explain the purpose and nature of the inspection at an opening conference.  Generally, OSHA has monitored and collected evidence of job site violations prior to the opening conference.

The inspector may perform a "walkaround" inspection viewing the conditions of the job site and noting any violations.  Upon conclusion of the inspection, the inspector will provide informal information about perceived violations at a closing conference.  The employer may advise the inspector of facts or conditions that may affect OSHA's decision to cite for certain violations. 

Trenton H. Cotney
Florida Bar Certified in Construction Law
Glenn Rasmussen Fogarty & Hooker, P.A.
100 S. Ashley Dr., Suite 1300
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 229-3333


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