Recent CILB Decision: 713.135 and Permitting Requirements

The Construction Industry Licensing Board gave notice of the issuance of an Order regarding the Petition for Declaratory Statement for Anthony C. Apfelbeck, filed on December 6, 2010. The Notice of Petition for Declaratory Statement was published in Vol. 36, No. 52, of the December 30, 2010, Florida Administrative Weekly. The Board considered the Petition at a duly-noticed public meeting held on January 14, 2011. The Board’s Order, filed on February 18, 2011, denies the Petition for Declaratory Statement of Section 713.135, Florida Statutes (notice of commencement and applicabililty of lien). Petitioner is substantially affected as required by Section 120.565, Florida Statutes. The Board does not have jurisdiction to interpret Section 713.135, Florida Statutes. Therefore, the Board denies the Petition for Declaratory Statement.

Trenton H. Cotney
Board Certified in Construction Law
Trent Cotney, P.A.
1207 N Franklin St, Ste 222
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 579-3278


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